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Trendy Black Outdoor Hammock. Outdoor black Fabric hammock with 120 cm quality spreader bars

Trendy Black Outdoor Hammock. Outdoor black Fabric hammock with 120 cm quality spreader bars
  • In stock 
  • Ships within 1-3 days
  • Price for køb af 1 Stk,109,00  GBP(incl. VAT)
Outdoor black fabric hammock with 120 cm spreader bar.
Uniform colored black quality hammock for outdoor life.
Soft and comfortable material for outdoor use.

The hammock is made of Textile that is comfortable and comfortable.
Black Hammock Textile that can also handle hanging out.
Wooden shelf width 118 cm
Lying area: 1.45 x 2.20 m.
FSC approved wood - certified.
Material: Textile PRO - weather resistant.
Spreader bars width 120 cm
Lying area: 1.45 x 2.20 m.
FSC approved wood - certified.
Material: Textile PRO - weather resistant.
Color Black
Front of our shop with hammocks

Black hammock in fabric with wooden sticks for outdoor use. Quality and looks good.
Item no.: TTQp600.21/140
Tema fra Bewise