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Strong hammock 1 person. Nice colorful look. Ok for children's play

Strong hammock 1 person. Nice colorful look. Ok for children\'s play
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  • Before 72,00
    Price for køb af 1 Stk,65,00  GBP(incl. VAT)
Hammock for 1 person. Nice golden cotton fabric.
total length 2.3 m
The sleeping area in the width is 1.45 m
and the length is 2.20 m.
Special stitches have been made for wild play for children.

Colorful hammock for children. Hammocks for Kids
The width of a hammock is the more likely it is to lie in. However, there is not much room for suspension and there is only one person in the hammock, is this hammock just the thing.
Strong stitches. "Maravilha" Kids Mundo
Lying area 2.20 x 1.45 m
Total length 3.5 m
Item no.: Km344
Tema fra Bewise