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Fabric hammock that gives good experiences. Super single hammock

Fabric hammock that gives good experiences. Super single hammock
  • In stock 
  • Ships within 1-4 days
  • Price for køb af 1 Stk,69,00  GBP(incl. VAT)
Strong striped fabric hammock for a person. Good for free and fun play in the hammock. Hammock that does not fill a lot and can hang in many places even though there is not much space.
Strong hammock and suitable for children's play and enjoyment. Of course also good to relax in.
100% color scheme. 100% cotton fabric.
Size: Overall length 3.4 m
Lying area 2.05 x 1.40 m
Hammock: Great gift idea - a gift you might have always dreamed of.
Item no.: MF106
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