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Fabric-hammock in fine stripes with round sticks

Fabric-hammock in fine stripes with round sticks
  • In stock 
  • Ships within 1-3 days
  • Price for køb af 1 Stk,59,00  GBP(incl. VAT)
Simple and nice hammock in the most beautiful colors. 100% cotton fabric. Spreader bars are FSC approved wood. Dimensions of the fabric are correct so that both can be laid longitudinally and diagonally.
Colorful fabric with fine stripes. Total 3.4 m. Area 1.45 x 2.20.
Much more width in the fabric than normal with hammocks with round bars, so much to provide comfortable comfort both longitudinally and diagonally.
The hammock can also be used in many hammock stands
Item no.: T082
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