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Colorful Mexican plaids in summer and happy colors.

Colorful Mexican plaids in summer and happy colors.
  • In stock 
  • Ships within 1-3 days
  • Before 59,00
    Price for køb af 1 Stk,49,00  GBP(incl. VAT)
Mexican blanket in the original colorful reddish shades.
Charming colorful fabric with red as a base color in a Mexican plaid.
- Soft and nice sofa plaid
- Festive bedspread
- Great as a table cloth for a Mexican party
- 1.60 x 2.10 meters
- Handcrafted in Mexico
- A unique plaid with many options
A plaid in happy colors from Mexico. Size 160 x 220 cm.
Mexican blanket for party and picnic tours

A plaid in happy colors from Mexico. Size 160 x 220 cm.
Mexican blankets
Item no.: DSC00961-rojo
Tema fra Bewise